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Who Are You Believing?

The effectiveness of your faith grows exponentially as you acknowledge the good things that are in you in Christ Jesus” (Philemon 1:6).

At one time David had terrible circumstances and was greatly distressed and grieved. The Bible says, “But David encouraged himself in the Lord his God” (1 Samuel 30:6). You can and must be like David and be a self-encourager by quoting God’s Word frequently. Especially quoting God’s Word when the circumstances are saying the opposite of what you desire.

You can think thoughts and speak words of faith as easily as you can think thoughts and speak words of doubt and unbelief. You can believe God just as easily as you believe the devil. You can believe God’s Word just as easily as you can believe negative reports, circumstances, and delays.

Remember to never accept no as God’s answer because it is impossible for no to be His answer. "For all the promises of God in Jesus are Yes, and in him Amen, unto the glory of God by us” (2 Corinthians 1:20). So don’t let the devil dupe you into accepting no for an answer.

Do not be denied. Remember, it is your family right, your redemptive right, your gospel right, your Covenant right, and your God raised Jesus from the dead for this purpose right to have what God has promised. It will come! It has to come! It is yours now, so believe it, accept it, give God thanks for it, and it will become your reality.

Keep acknowledging who you are IN-Christ!