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God Fulfills His Promises

“All the promises of God are yes and amen” (2 Corinthians 1:20).

That mighty verse assures us that God will never under any circumstances say, “Wait, Maybe, or NO” to anything we’ve asked Him for, that He has promised in the Bible.

You can be 100 percent confident that God wants to do, and will do exactly what He promised to do for you.

A statement that I have had to tell myself hundreds of times over the years is, “The purpose of the promise is its fulfillment.” 

You can make no mistake in steadfastly believing and saying what God says.

Believe that at this very moment He is actually rearranging circumstances and events to benefit you, and will continue doing so until you have the very things He promised and you asked Him for. He wants you to be confident that the blessings we ask for with a steadfast faith in His faithfulness will always materialize.

It’s always too soon to quit believing God!