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God is Exalting You

“Wait on the Lord, and keep His way, and He shall exalt you” (Psalm 37:34).

I’ve been sharing with you about the fact that God wants you (really, He needs you) to start acting like who He has made you to be, now that you are in-Christ.

You may currently feel and believe that you are not who and what God says you are. That’s a normal feeling, but God wants you to start acting-as-if you are who He says you are, and acting-as-if you have everything He says you have. That’s being a doer of the Word. That’s building your life on the rock!

So, God wants you to act-as-if it’s the finished work of Jesus that only keeps you forgiven, victorious, in right-standing with Him, and deserving of all His mighty blessings.

A worldly actor or actress prepares for a role by trying to get actual experience in the field he or she is playing. In like manner, you must take the mindset that whatever God says or promises you, are yours in actual experience.

If God says be kind, be kind. If He says, forgive, then forgive. If He says let patience have her perfect work so that you may be perfect, lacking nothing, then be patient.

You must mentally rehearse the part and act the role until it feels like “you got it.” Take the mindset that you can nail this. You can act happy and bold and confident, and friendly, and kind, and forgiving until you really are happy and bold and confident and kind, etc.

Through meditation, imagination, and action, you must get into the role and stay “in the role” until you become what God has made you to be.