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Thoughts Become Things

Many times what we hear others say and what we believe, are lies. The great news is “God cannot lie” (Numbers 23:19, Titus 1:2, Hebrews 6:18).

We should understand that our thoughts are influenced by observations, associations, feelings, memories, imaginations, and teachings, and therefore  might not be accurate, and might actually be deceiving us.

The scary thing is, “Satan comes to deceive the whole world” (Revelation 12:9). The whole world includes Christians.

Knowing this, we must guard against every negative and unproductive thought that comes into our mind. 

We should also stay away from all people, places, and things that contribute to negative and destructive thinking and do not support our belief and affirmation that God has blessed us and answered our prayer.

Meditate constantly on the promises of God upon which you base the answer to your prayer. See yourself with what you have asked God for, and make plans accordingly as if what you asked God for was already a reality and in your possession.

Do not forget what you have asked God for and hold on to His promises until the full answer is materialized.