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Faith Touches God

God’s promises are for you to pick up and enjoy!

Thank God that the Bible says, “All (not some) of God’s promises are yes and amen” (2 Corinthians 1:20).

God’s promises are never ‘wait,’ or ‘maybe,’ or ‘we’ll see,’ or ‘no.’ They are always “Yes and Amen.”

That means God fully intends for you to receive an experience everything He promised and Jesus paid for through His death, burial, and resurrection.

Matthew 14:36 says, “As many as touched Him were made perfectly whole” (Matthew 14:36). 

You can and must press beyond lukewarmness, public opinion, past experiences and failure, doubts and unbelief, double mindedness, your symptoms and feelings, and touch Jesus with your faith. You can do it! 

We touch Jesus by asking and believing that God hears and answers our prayers when we pray. The woman with the issue of blood touched Jesus with more than a physical touch. Jesus didn’t say, “Your ‘touch’ has made you whole.” He said, “Your ‘faith’ has made you whole” (Mark 5:34).

Remember, “Tremendous power is made available through a good man’s (that means ‘your’) earnest prayer” (James 5:16, Phillips Translation).

Touch Jesus with your faith today!