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Wisely Spoken Words

To a Christian, the Word of God should be the voice of God. God’s Word is God’s will. God means what He says, and says what He means.

If you were to have a visitation from God, He would only tell you what He has already told you in His Word. God’s Word is packed with the purpose and intent of God for your life. Healing and soundness are God’s intention and will for your life.

Let’s look at several translations of Proverbs 12:18.

NIV, “Reckless words pierce like a sword, but the tongue of the wise brings healing.”

Moffatt’s Translation, “A reckless tongue wounds like a sword, but there is healing power in thoughtful words.”

Good News Translation, “Thoughtless words can wound as deeply as any sword, but wisely spoken words can heal.”

The verse is a word of wisdom for both Christians and non-believers. Make the following affirmation of faith and mean it:

“My tongue makes me well. What I say, I have! I say the Lord is my Healer. I say God takes sickness away from me. I say, no plague comes near my dwelling.” I say, “He heals all my diseases.” Those are all Scripture promises from the Bible. What I confess I possess. My words can make me healthy.

There is healing power in my words, for they are God’s Words, and His Words are always true. I speak health to every muscle, organ, tissue, fiber, system, and cell in my body. I release God’s healing power with my words.”

Your mouth is given to you to communicate, smile, kiss the ones you love, and speak creative words that will bless your life. 

Speak words of hope and faith!