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Healing Deposits From God

The key to partaking of the power, the life, and the healing energy in God’s Word is feeding on it through meditation and affirmation until it penetrates your spirit where it deposits that power, life, and energy.

We might say that God’s Word, which is God’s medicine, is no respecter of persons; it will work for anyone who takes it. It is not a matter of God willing or not willing the healing of any individual, but whether or not the individual will receive healing by taking the medicine that produces it.

Medicine must be taken according to the directions to be effective. Some medicine labels read, “Take internally,” and others may say, “Take externally.” To rub the medicine on your body externally, when the directions say to take it internally will not work. To take it before meals when the directions say take it two hours after meals will reduce its effectiveness. To take it once in a while when the directions say three times a day will mean limited results, if any. No matter how good the medicine is, it must be taken according to its directions or it won’t work.

So it is with God’s medicine (God’s Word). It must be taken according to His directions to work. The directions for taking God’s medicine are found in Proverbs 4:20-21:

  1. Attend to His Words.

  2. Incline your ear to His sayings.

  3. Don’t let them depart from before your eyes.

  4. Keep them in the midst of your heart.

In other words, keep God’s Word on healing first place in your life. If you or a loved-one are sick, give the Word of God, especially the healing scriptures, top priority in your life.

Faith for healing comes by hearing what God says about healing (Romans 10:17).