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Your Blessed Future

Perhaps the heroes of faith that made it into Hebrews 11 had three things in common with you. (1) They had a serious problem, (2) They had a word from God, and (3) They had a choice. They could believe their terrible circumstances and be destroyed, or they could believe what God said. They made it into Hebrews 11 because they chose to believe what God said.

I’ve been sharing about healing in this blog for weeks. I’ve been doing that because I know sickness and poor health attack many great Christians. God not only wants to heal you, but He also wants you to live a long, healthy, happy life.

In the following verse, God predicts your future. Choose to agree with God by agreeing with what He says.

In Isaiah 58:8, God says in the NIV, “your healing will quickly appear.” The KJV says, “thine health shall spring forth speedily.”

So make the following affirmation of faith: “Father, I thank You that my health is springing forth speedily. I am recovering quickly. I am rapidly being healed. My health is improving and coming on strong in the mighty name of Jesus.”

Before they took Jesus to the cross, they took Him to the whipping post, stripped him down naked, and beat Him with a whip. The Bible says, “He was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities, the chastisement of our peace was upon him, and with his stripes, we are healed” (Isaiah 53:5). His stripes purchased our healing!

God wants what He paid for when Jesus suffered and died for you. Part of what He purchased was your healing by having Jesus take your sickness and disease. Receive it. It’s been paid for and freely given to you.

I’m believing with you for healing and success!