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God is Looking For You

When God wants something done on earth, He looks for someone to pray in faith so He can do what He wants done.

Prayer is really giving God the legal right to do what He wants to do, has promised to do, has made a Covenant to do, but cannot do unless someone on earth asks Him to do it, by faith.

Prayer is finding out from God’s Word what He wants to do, then asking and believing Him to do it. God has power to do a lot of things, but He doesn’t do things based on His power. Rather, He does things on a legal basis. Legally, in order for God to do something for people, He must be asked. And He must be asked in faith.

Faith is the union of our hearts and wills with God’s Will and purpose. Faith is believing Him to do what He said in order to release God’s Will, blessings, and purpose to be done for us and others.

The central thought of having your prayers answered is, “believe that you receive it, and you shall have it” (Mark 11:24). Believe that God has granted it to you. Believe that God said, “YES!” Believe that it is already yours. See yourself with it. Believe that you have got it already, whether you literally see it yet, or not.

Where there is faith, God has obligated Himself to answer prayer.

The “I have it now, according to God’s Word” is the mindset that must be embraced in order to appropriate the promises of God.

God’s riches in glory in Christ Jesus are coming to you in the mighty name of Jesus (Philippians 4:19)!