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The Prayer Revelation

“As Isaac was, you are now THE BLESSED of the Lord” (Genesis 26:28-29; Galatians 4:28).

Please allow me to share a Prayer Revelation. 

Without the understanding that God’s Word and God’s promises are the Will of God, and He works to perform His promises, most Christians have prayed similar to this: “Dear God, Joe is in serious condition, and I ask that Your Will be done in Joe’s life, in the name of Jesus, Amen.”

Because they have prayed, “God, Your Will be done in Joe’s life,” they thought the outcome was up to God to decide what would happen to Joe. Therefore, they accepted whatever happened to Joe as God’s Will.

When Christians pray, “God’s Will be done” or “Please do this or that for me, if it be Thy Will,” without knowing and believing what God promised, much of the outcome turns out negative and undesirable, therefore the opposite of what God wants. By praying that way, what they received is many times in direct contradiction to what God said and promised in His Word, and what God actually wanted to do.

With the knowledge that God’s promises and what Jesus purchased for us through redemption are God’s Will for us, we are now responsible to find out what Jesus did for us, and what God said regarding the matters we pray about.

To pray “God’s Will be done” or “If it be Thy Will” is meaningless and powerless, because without knowledge of what God really wants, based on what He said in the Bible, there can be no faith, and without faith, God can’t help.

If God’s Will was automatically done, He never would have told us to pray. Prayer would be a pointless activity.

In general, we Christians have attributed no results and negative outcomes to our prayers as being God’s Will. We couldn’t be more wrong.

Don’t pray the problem; pray the solution, which is His Word.

God said, “I will hasten (keep watch over) my Word to perform it” (Jeremiah 1:12, KJV).