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Doubt Your Doubts

Psalm 9:1, “I will praise you, Lord, with all my heart; I will tell of all the wonderful things you have done.”

Psalm 9:4, “…You have judged in my favor.”

Never doubt the fact that God’s Word is true and it’s the devil that is the liar. You can and must believe God more than you believe the devil. The Bible tells us to, “Cast down all negative reasoning and thoughts of failure” (2 Corinthians 10:5).

If you don’t cast down negative reasonings, fears, and thoughts of failure, they become stronger, and eventually they materialize and become your reality (Job 3:25).

You must “fight the good fight of faith” (1 Timothy 6:12) by fighting unbelief until you firmly and positively believe God and refuse to waver again. Let it be settled once-and-for-all that you will not doubt God. Abraham became “the father of them that believe” (Romans 4:19) by resisting negative circumstances (which were Sarah's and his old age) and believing God instead.

You know that you will not get an answer from God as long as you doubt and allow lousy circumstances, negative friends, and the news media dictate what you believe. So give doubt up.

You also know that there is a definite assurance that you will get anything and everything you desire from God if you stay in faith and do not doubt. So why be foolish and give-in to unbelief and doubt?

Have faith, and do not doubt!