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Obtaining All You Need

Psalm 34:15, “The Lord watches over the righteous and listens to their prayers.”

There are no limitations to you when it comes to prayer and obtaining all you want to have, do, and become in this life. The Bible says, “All things are yours” (1 Corinthians 3:21-22). If God’s Word is true, and it is, and “all things are yours,” you should be receiving every blessing that, life more abundantly includes in the here and now. And showing others how to receive it, too. “Blessed be the Lord, who daily loads us with benefits” (Psalm 68:19).

When a generation of God’s people didn’t see His signs, wonders, miracles, and tremendous answers to prayer, they forsake God (Judges 2:7-12).

Maybe believers today forsake God because of a lack of manifestations from Him, make them think God has forsaken them. God hasn’t forsaken you, or His promises, or His purpose for victory in our lives.

Begin to rehearse what God says about prayer and begin to believe Him for much bigger and better answers and manifestations. The purpose of God’s promise, is always its fulfillment.

You personally having and exhibiting tremendous answers to prayer will bring those who have given-up on God, back to Him. Believe that God will work with you and confirm His Word with signs following.

Believing for bigger and better!

Pastor Glen