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Don't Spin Your Wheels

In 1999, as Y2K (the year 2000) approached, I met with a group of pastors and their wives, along with various “5-fold” ministers and church leaders (about 35 ministers in total) in the city of Whittier and asked, “How we get what we have gotten in life and how do we really appropriate God’s promises?” Since that time I’ve asked nearly a hundred pastors and traveling ministers that same question, and received almost exactly the same answer.

At the Whittier meeting, each pastor, evangelist, and minister, and their spouse made suggestions that the others agreed with. “Pray in the Spirit more. Study the Bible more. Live more holy. Pray a minimum of two hours everyday. Get the sin out of your life. Take communion every day. Successfully pass the tests God puts on you. Attend seminars in Tulsa and Australia more frequently. Spend more time with God. Make a vow to God and pay your vow!” Etc.

Sadly, these church leaders, who represented maybe thousands of Christians, didn’t actually have a clue how we get what we have gotten in life. It was totally hit-and-miss with them. The fact that they were imparting uncertainty to their congregations bugged me very much.

Many of these pastors and wives were burned-out and discouraged, yet all agreed that if they kept doing what they were already doing, only harder and stronger, and with greater commitment, it would eventually work better for them and they would see greater results. Some of those ministers are not in ministry today.

I guess for some, that if they keep doing what they’ve always done only with greater commitment, it might work better for them. But for most of us it is getting a new mindset about God’s willingness to help us and answer our prayers.

Jesus said, “I have chosen you, and ordained you, that you should go forth and bring forth much fruit, and that your fruit should remain, that whatever you ask the Father in my name, He will give it to you” (John 15:16).

We have been taught that the fruits we are to produce is leading others to the Lord and living right. But reread what Jesus said. He said asking and receiving from the Father is the fruit you are to bear. So let’s be encouraged and pray believing that God gets glory when we have an answer to prayer (John 15:7-8).

The Lord is the strength of your life!