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Master Spiritual Laws

“The blessing of the Lord makes you rich, and He adds no sorrow with it” (Proverbs 10:22).

The spiritual laws that govern God’s manifestation are as functional and operational as natural laws. They can be understood, mastered, and utilized by us, on purpose.

If you ignorantly misuse natural laws such as gravity or electricity, you will suffer the negative consequences. In like manner, if you ignorantly neglect or misuse spiritual laws, you are penalized and don’t know why.

Once we understood the law of nature we called gravity, we began using that law to our advantage. We don’t build a building 100 stories tall at a forty-five degree angle, because gravity would make it fall. We build it straight up. To violate the law of gravity could cause tragedy and death. An example of this is that we don’t walk off a cliff or the balcony of a tall building thinking we won’t fall and get hurt or killed, because we know the natural law of gravity would work against us.

When we cooperate with the law of gravity it doesn’t harm us, it blesses us. Many wonderful Christians fail to discover and cooperate with God’s established spiritual laws and therefore live defeated lives.

I really want all of us to understand and master God’s spiritual laws that will totally bless our lives. Here’s one for us, “Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but only speak what is good and edifying to others that it may minister grace to the hearers” (Ephesians 4:29).

I speak abundant grace to you in Jesus name!