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Forgiven and Healed

In Mark 4, Jesus compared the Word of God to a seed.

God’s Word is God’s seed. Think about it. Some seeds take longer to develop and mature than others. If you plant carrots, you would expect them to grow and develop faster than if you planted an oak tree.

The seeds of God’s Word are growing and taking root in you. Harvest day is coming. Don’t give up or grow weary. Keep watering the seeds. In the context of healing, we are talking about being consistent in reading your scriptures on healing and boldly making your affirmations every day. If you can do these exercises several times a day, that’s even better.

“The inhabitants (of God’s Kingdom) shall not say, “I am sick:” the people that dwell therein shall be forgiven their sins and iniquities” (Isaiah 33:24).

If you are a Christian, make the following affirmation of faith with confidence:

“I am in Christ. Christ is in me. I dwell in Christ; therefore, I am not sick. Christ forgave all my sins and iniquities and freed me from sin’s consequences, which include sickness. I am an inhabitant of the Kingdom of God and I refuse to be sick or even say I am sick.”

Remember, God’s Word is like a seed. Keep watering and fertilizing the many wonderful scriptures on healing found in the Bible by reading them often. You will find that like a seed, God’s promises to heal you will grow up and produce a wonderful harvest… healing!