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God Likes You

The way most people are wired makes it feel very natural and easy for us to judge ourselves harshly. If we were aware of what we are sub-vocalizing, or saying to ourselves under our breath or in our mind, we would find that we often say derogatory and belittling things like, “What was I thinking?” Or when we have done something wrong or forgotten to do something, perhaps we say, “That was stupid, can’t I do anything right?” Or “What’s wrong with me, what an idiot I am.”

(If you’ve never said those things to yourself, stop and worship God immediately, because without even knowing it, you are fortunate and to be envied.)

For many, those or a similar type of negative self-talk has been building a superstructure on the foundation of an already poor self-image for many years. To live the life God wants us to live, we are going to have to obliterate both the inferior superstructure and the foundation, and build something positive, productive, and wonderful in its place. What we need to build is a healthy self-image.

For most people, their negative self-talk only reinforces their belief that their life can’t get much better for them. I want to reverse that.

God says, “For I will have respect unto you, and make you fruitful, and multiply you, and establish my covenant with you” (Leviticus 26:9).

WOW! God is saying that He likes you so much He’s going to do great things for you. So start telling yourself today; “God likes me and I like me.” Speak those words out loud when you catch yourself thinking negatively of yourself.