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Decree Your Faith

n the courtroom of the universe, God, the judge over all things, has ruled your healing to be a legal fact because of what Jesus has done for you. Jesus legally carried your sickness so that you don’t have to be sick. Jesus was your substitute and stood in your place, receiving fully in Himself the consequences of your sin. That includes sickness and disease. Heaven endorses God’s ruling. The angels endorse God’s ruling. So should you.

When God wants something done on earth, He speaks it into existence and tells you to do the same. God says for you to “call those things and be not as though they are” (Romans 4:17).

That means, based on what Jesus has done for you, call yourself healed when you feel sick. You call yourself strong when you feel weak. You call your every need met when it looks like you are lacking. Faith involves what you say.

Boldly make the following faith affirmation based on the various translations I gave you last week from Isaiah 53:3-5.

Surely Jesus hath borne my sickness and diseases and carried my pains, He took all of my sicknesses on Himself and carried my pains. He bore them and carried them away to a distance. I don’t have to bear what He bore for me. I refuse to bear what He bore for me. Satan can’t put on me what Jesus bore for me. By His stripes, I have healing.

By His bruises, there is healing for me. His punishment has brought me healing. Healing has been granted to me. With the stripes that wounded Him, I am healed and made whole.

I am made whole by the blows He received. My diseases went to the whipping post with Jesus where He took them for me. Satan, you’re visiting the wrong one. Jesus took my sicknesses and by His stripes, I am healed!

By His stripes, you are healed!