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Amazing Things Through Favor

As Mary and Joseph brought baby Jesus to Jerusalem, there was a just and devout man named Simeon. The Holy Spirit had told him that he would not die until he had seen the Lord. When Simeon saw baby Jesus, he took Him in his arms, blessed God, and declared that he could now die because his eyes had seen God's salvation. He then prophesied many wonderful things about Jesus. Joseph and Mary marveled at these events (Luke 2:25-35).

“And the child grew and waxed strong in spirit, filled with wisdom: and the favor of God was upon him” (Luke 2:40).

As Jesus' parents went to Jerusalem every year for the Passover feast, Jesus went with them. When He was 12 years old, He became separated from His parents in Jerusalem. They thought He had joined some relatives and went home. When they realized Jesus wasn't with the relatives, they returned to Jerusalem to find Him.

“And it came to pass, that after three days they found him in the temple, sitting in the midst of the doctors, both hearing them, and asking them questions. And all that heard him were astonished at his understanding and answers” (Luke 2:44-47). Favor brought him before great men.

Mary explained to Jesus that He had caused them much concern and sorrow because they didn't know where He was.

Jesus said unto her, “How is it that you sought me? Didn’t you know that I must be about my Father’s business? But his mother kept all these sayings in her heart” (Luke 2:48-51).

As you go about your Heavenly Father’s business, God is going to do amazing things for you. He will open doors and give you divine connections with mighty men and women. It will all spring from His favor.

Pastor Glen Curryfavor, think