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God Wants to Promote You

“He that diligently seeks good obtains favor”(Pr overbs 11:27).

God wants to promote you, bless you, and prosper you so you can be a blessing to others. God told Abraham, “I will bless you, and make your name great, and you will be a blessing” (Genesis 12:1).

Believing and receiving God’s favor is one way God will bless you so that you can be a blessing to others, just as Abraham was. God’s crazy favor on your life will bring this about.

Develop a favor mindset. Speak the following two paragraphs out loud with enthusiasm.

“I am in the family of God. I am in the household of God. I am involved in family business. I have influence and pull with the Lord of Lords and King of Kings.”

“God favors me and delights to prosper my way. I expect good things to happen to me and for me today. I love Jesus and Jesus loves me. We are in this thing together as partners. Like Esther, Daniel, and Joseph, I have favor and promotion from the Lord.”

Stop seeing yourself as a victim. See yourself as a victor. Stop seeing yourself as needing deliverance. See yourself as a deliverer. People all around you need your help. Your family, friends, and church need your help. You are their deliverer through Christ Jesus and His favor on your life.

Get your eyes off your inabilities and get them on God’s abilities. Shake yourself, and come forth in new strength and determination today.

Praise the Lord as an act of your will. Will to praise God. Will to be positive. Will to see Jesus glorified. Will to walk in favor.

God is with you, and God is for you!