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The Twofold Blessing of Favor

“For you Lord will bless the righteous; and with favor you will compass him about as with the shield” (Psalm 5:12).

God’s favor on your life is twofold. It gives you special privileges (undeserved but full entitlement) with God and causes men to be willing to do you good. God’s favor is favor with God and man (Luke 2:52).

That’s precisely what happened with the prophet Samuel. “And the child Samuel grew and was in favor both with the Lord, and also with men” (1 Samuel 2:26). That’s what I want for you! Favor with God, and favor with men.

Jesus increased in favor. We see a similar statement when we read the Holy Spirit’s greetings to the churches in 17 New Testament books. The greetings to these epistles say, “Favor be multiplied to you.” In Luke, it says, “Jesus increased in favor.” Since favor can be multiplied and increased, it shows us that favor is a growing process. It can increase and multiply.

That’s exciting because it means our tomorrow can look much better than today as we grow, increase, and multiply in favor.

Say it often! “I have favor with God and man, and whatsoever I do shall prosper.”