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A Favor Day Every Day

“Joseph was a goodly person and well favored” (Genesis 39:6). Joseph had great favor in his life and showed great favor to others. When you give favor, you receive favor. So reach out to others and help them while you’re still going through difficulties.

While Joseph was a slave, he was so positive, so helpful, and so successful in his attitude, actions, and speech that he was soon promoted. He quickly became second in command of Egypt, answering only to the Pharaoh.

You must give if you expect a return. You must sow good things to reap good things (Galatians 6:7). Joseph sowed only good by serving those over, around, and even under him while he was in prison. There was no defeat or failure in Joseph’s thinking. He was determined to be a blessing wherever he found himself and was blessed in return.

Favor is a major God-principal. Your success and victory, which comes from God’s favor, is not dependent upon you being super intelligent, uncommonly talented, born rich, or anything else. It is dependent upon you being serious with God, loving Him, and being willing to believe Him as you apply His principles in your life.

You are in the family of God. You are involved in the family business. You are involved with God’s Kingdom business of establishing His covenant here on this earth, which will bless you greatly and bless others in a marvelous way (Deuteronomy 8:18).

Keep pushing into God and believing in God for favor every day!