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How to Attract Blessings

You rise above your problems in your attitude before you ever rise above your problems in your circumstances.

In Exodus 33:12 (NIV), God said, "I know you by name, and you have found favor with me." This was the Lord talking to Moses, but the Lord also knows you by name, and you, too, have found favor in His sight.

Moses told the Lord, "If you are pleased with me, teach me your ways so I may know you and continue to find favor with you" (Exodus 33:13, NIV). Moses knew from experience the benefits of having favor with God. He prayed that God's favor would continue to be upon his life.

Remember, you rise above your problems in your attitude before you ever do in your circumstances. Maintain a positive, God-conscious attitude at all times. When you allow your attitude to turn sour, your deliverance and promotion are put on hold. A bad attitude repels blessings, but a gracious attitude attracts them.

You are either a blessing magnet or a crap magnet depending on your attitude, mindset, and beliefs. Develop an attitude of favor. Develop an attitude of favor. Cultivate a mindset of favor. Settle the fact that God favors you deep within your belief system.

By working on and improving your attitude, mindset, and beliefs, you will soon attract more and more blessings. Don't allow impatience, frustration, and a bad attitude to hinder your blessings. Remember that God is with you, in you, for you, and favoring you at every moment.