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Sow and Reap Favor

In 2 Peter 3:18, it starts out by admonishing us to “Grow in grace (favor).” The same Greek word used for “grace” can also mean “favor.”

Walking in favor is a process that requires growth. If God commands us to grow in favor, it means when we were born-again we weren't instantly fully developed in the area of favor. We must grow in favor.

Prepare yourself to be kind, patient and long-suffering, even to those who are unkind and irritating. God is endeavoring to develop His character in your life. The fruit of His character demonstrates love, grace, and favor. It’s through favor that doors will open for you and give you limitless possibilities down the road.

You must apply yourself to the laws of favor. Begin immediately to expect a multiplication of favor to flow to you from God and from others, even from strangers. At the same time, be diligent to show graciousness, kindness, goodwill, and favor to others even when they may not be so kind and gracious to you.

What others choose, think, and do is beyond your control and none of your business. Your business is to grow in favor regardless of what others choose, think, and do.

Exciting days are ahead on the path of favor, so don't be slack or back off. Anticipate and radiate favor each day, in every possible way.

Keep the switch of faith turned on in the area of divine, God-given favor.