Equal Heirs With Jesus
Did you know that you are an equal heir with Christ? It’s true!
Romans 8:17 says that since we are God’s children, we are His heirs. We are heirs of God and fellow heirs with Christ, sharing His blessings and inheritance.
Think of the wealthiest, most powerful person in the world, and imagine for a minute that you are his only child and will inherit everything he has someday. Well, the most powerful person in the universe (Jesus) died and left a Will with your name written on it.
In Luke 12:32, Jesus said, “Fear not little flock, for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you anything and everything His kingdom contains.”
We might call the New Testament the last Will and Testament of Jesus Christ.
Romans 8:1, “There is therefore now no condemnation (no fear of not being accepted by God, and having no guilt) for those who are in Christ Jesus.”
Mankind was created for relationship and fellowship with God, to be a suitable friend and partner of God. Unfortunately, sin entered the world through Adam and caused a separation between God and us that could only be restored by God.
There was nothing you or I could ever do to bridge that gap because God is a Holy God and can’t tolerate sin. We needed a Savior, so God provided His Son, Jesus, as a sin-substitute for our punishment.
On the cross, Jesus was made sin with our sinfulness. He took away the curse that plagued us all. The documents against us that Satan’s paparazzi wrote about us were nailed to the cross. And when Jesus arose from the dead, He conquered Satan and all of his principalities and powers and enabled us to be born-again children of God, living forever with God.