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God Has Respect Unto You

In life, we often find that situations, challenges, and problems can end in either good or bad, in our favor or against us. When things can go one of two ways, I want to show you that things can always go your way, benefiting you.

When you become aware of God’s favor and believe Him for a favor, God can then enter into your situation, challenge, or problem and bring the solution that benefits you. With God’s favor, things will end favorably for you.

God said, “For I will have respect (favor) unto you, and make you fruitful, and multiply you, and establish my covenant with you” (Leviticus 26:9).

Every one of us needs to believe God for the four blessings listed in this verse to happen in our lives: (1) God having respect unto you, (2) God making you fruitful, (3) God multiplying you, and (4) God establishing His covenant with you.

According to the thesaurus, God having “respect unto you” means that “God highly regards you, treats you with dignity, esteems you highly, treats you with special consideration and honor, thinks of you as important, beloved, and highly valued.”

Get excited and rejoice! God has respect unto you! Why? Because He favors you.

Psalm 9:4 (Good News Bible), “You are fair and honest in your judgments, and you have judged in my favor.”

A similar promise is found in Psalm 17:2, “You will judge in my favor, because you know what is right.”

From Leviticus 26:9, Psalms 17:2, and Psalms 9:4, you can be confident that God has respected you and will judge in your favor and has judged in your favor.