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How To Obtain God's Results

“Be not conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind” (Romans 12:2).

The word “transformed” here is the Greek word from which we get the word “metamorphosis.” A terrific metamorphosis will occur in your life if you renew your mind to the Word of God and God’s way of thinking.

Although God has every imaginable blessing for you, you must begin to “think like God thinks” or “think in line with God’s Word” to receive what God has for you.

In Matthew 18:19, Jesus told us about the power of agreement. Jesus was talking about agreeing with another believer, and that’s great, and Jesus said it would produce wonderful results. I recommend that you come into agreement with God by agreeing with His Word and start getting God’s results.

That’s what renewing your mind is all about. Thinking like God will enable you to obtain God’s results and blessings.

Your mind (your higher ability to think and reason) separates you from the animal world. It is your mind that makes you an individual. Your mind gives you free will and makes you a “free moral agent.” Your mind also determines the level of happiness and success you can experience in life. God designed us to have what we think.

It’s not the “bad cards” that were dealt to him in life; it’s the mind of a homeless person that brought him to that situation. In like manner, the mind of the billionaire brought them to an opulent and desirable place in life.

Your mind (what and how you think) has brought you to where you are today. If you want a better life, better thinking will make it possible.