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Be Transformed

“Be not conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind” (Romans 12:2).

Like an ugly caterpillar that is transformed (metamorphosed) into a beautiful butterfly, our lives will be transformed (metamorphosed) into something beautiful as we renew our minds to God’s way of thinking.

The last part of Romans 12:2 says that your transformation (metamorphosis or positive change) takes place “by the renewing of your mind.” This means you must apply yourself and start thinking differently than you have thought throughout your life to experience God’s results.

If you keep thinking the way you’ve always thought, you’ll keep getting what you’ve always got. (The grammar is not good, but it rhymes.)

If you change what you allow yourself to hear, it will change the way you think. If you change the way you think, it will change what you believe. If you change what you believe, it will change the way you speak. If you change what you listen to and what you think about, what you believe, and what you say, it will change what you do. And when your actions change, your results will change. Those five steps will change your entire life for the better.

When we first received Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, we had a lot of incorrect, preconceived ideas and mental baggage that made our life less than what God desired it to be.

We must learn how to “let go” of those unprofitable things and start thinking and believing in a new way that will produce the blessings God wants us to experience. 

God’s plan and will is to put us in a position to receive all the wonderful things Jesus’s death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus purchased for us.