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The Blessing of God's Power

In Genesis 1:28, the Bible records God “Blessed” Adam and Eve. “And God blessed them and said…”

“The Blessing” made them powerful individuals, “like God.”

It was from or through “The Blessing” that Adam and Eve were able to be fruitful, multiply, have dominion, subdue the earth, customize, develop, and furnish the garden, guard the garden, name the millions or billions of animals and creatures, and replenish the earth.

Through "The Blessing,” Adam and Eve were able, qualified, and fit to eat the fruit from the “Tree of Life” and thousands, perhaps millions of other trees that would produce excellent results.

NOTE: The “Tree of Life” and the “Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil” are the only two trees of the garden we have listed in the Bible. We can only speculate what magnificent results the other trees would produce.

Maybe there was a Tree of Wisdom, a Tree of Peace, a Tree of the Knowledge of Witty Inventions, a Tree Enabling You To See in the Spirit Realm, a Tree of Humor and Laughter, a Tree of Love, and so forth.

Revelation 22:2, “On either side of the river was “The Tree of Life,” which bear twelve different kinds of fruits, and yielded the different fruit every month: and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations.”

Wow! If just the leaves alone could heal nations, what could the twelve different kinds of fruit do? The Blessing enabled Adam and Eve to have dominion, meaning the power to control, govern, and subdue the earth, meaning to make it yield to you and conquer all opposition and every adversary.

The Blessing given to every Christian when they are born-again is much more powerful than we’ve ever imagined or dreamed about. And the great news is that The Blessing is in you right now, waiting to be used.