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Thrive While You're Alive

“The Lord God planted a garden eastward in Eden; and there he put the man whom he had formed” (Genesis 2:8). This verse lets us know the whole earth wasn’t the Garden.

In Genesis 1:2 KJV, the Bible says that the earth was “without form” and “void.” Other translations say things like the earth was “formless and desolate (GNT), “formless and empty” (NLT, NIV), “a waste and emptiness” (AMP), “barren” (CEV), “a soup of nothingness” (MSG) “waste and wild” (Rotherham).”

The earth outside the Garden could have still been without form, void, formless, desolate, empty, a waste, barren, wild, and a soup of nothingness when God made the Garden and put Adam and Eve in it.

God wanted Adam and Eve and their offspring to replenish, remake, and restore the earth to its former, habitable condition outside the boundaries of the Garden.

Replenish the earth means to make full, to make complete again, to resupply, to restock, to supply what is lacking, and to bring forth the fullness of. We generally only think of replenish as meaning repopulate. In other words, “Have a lot of children.”

The thesaurus’s primary word for “replenish” is “restore.” Adam and Eve were to “restore” the earth to its former, livable, thriving state, as before it became barren and desolate (Isaiah 45:18).

Through their offspring, Adam and Eve were to expand the Garden’s perimeter until the whole earth was like the Garden of Eden.

With The Blessing of the Lord on your life, you are to create garden-like conditions wherever you go. That means wherever you are, there will be favor, love, kindness, and good cheer to all who come in contact with you.