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The Blessing on You

Proverbs 10:22, “The Blessing” of the Lord, it makes you rich, and he adds no sorrow with it.”

I want you to fully understand and comprehend what God means when He talks about “The Blessing.”

“The Blessing” is a gift given by God that enables (actually guarantees) His people’s ability and opportunity to succeed, thrive, prosper, be victorious in every battle, and increase with the increase of God.

When Abraham’s wife, Sarah, was taken into the king’s harem, when Joseph was in a dungeon with no way out, and when Daniel was thrown into the hungry lion’s den, it was “The Blessing” that delivered them, bringing them out safely and more prosperous than before these negative events.

“The Blessing” enables a believer to access all the blessings of God and life.

Galatians 3:13-14, “Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law by being made a curse for us. For it is written, cursed is everyone that hangs on a tree, so that, “The Blessing,” of Abraham can come on the Gentiles through Jesus Christ.”

Galatians 3:9, “They who have faith in Jesus ARE BLESSED with faithful Abraham.”

“The Blessing” is different from “blessings.” The Blessing is singular, while blessings are plural and can mean a wide variety of good things. 

All the blessings of God come from “The Blessing.” All blessings spring from, and are caused by, “The Blessing,” and the great news is, God has commanded “The Blessing” on you. So, see yourself blessed, and you will be blessed!