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You Get What You Think

“As a man thinks in his heart, so is he” (Proverbs 23:7).

Although you may have been taught the opposite, I want to prove to you from the Bible that God wants you to prosper. First, I must share a little bit about our thinking because it’s connected to our prosperity (3 John 2).

God talks more about our thinking than any other subject in the Bible, many times over. Unfortunately, our church leaders rarely talk about our minds, our thinking, or how we really get what we have gotten in life in an accurate way. That fact has seriously hindered the body of Christ and negatively affected our Blessing level.

Most pastors have practically neglected the role our thinking plays in receiving from God and living victoriously.

Let me give you a few examples.

The Bible refers to the way we think every time it speaks about love, joy, favor, kindness, creativity, happiness, agreement, receiving from God, prayer, habits, confidence, hope, settling a dispute, self-image, trust, wisdom, knowledge, understanding, the choices and decisions we make, attitudes, and so forth.

On the negative side, every time the Bible speaks about envy, jealousy, covetousness, strife, unforgiveness, anger, hate, unhappiness, loneliness, fear, lust, insecurity, worry, prejudice, bigotry, unworthiness, condemnation, grief, sorrow, and so forth, it is really talking about the way we think.

So, the number one topic in the Bible concerns our thinking. The number two most talked-about topic in the Bible concerns prosperity, and God wants His people to prosper.

To begin with, please download my free, faith-filled app called Pillars of Faith Christian. On the welcome page, scroll down several banners to “Rightly Rich.” I will read to you 109 Scriptures on prosperity. That’s a start.