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The Ultimate Power

We are living in a power-hungry world.

The TV commercials for new cars say, “0 to 60 in under five seconds, now that’s POWER.”

The sports announcer talks about a home-run hitter and says, “There’s a POWER-house for you.”

The scientist boasts of laser POWER.

Nations boast of nuclear POWER.

The world says, “Money is POWER.”

I saw a bumper sticker that said, “Irish POWER.”

POWER today seems to be all important.

2,000 years ago, when Jesus arose from the dead, He made a statement that makes the POWER of nuclear weapons mere firecrackers in comparison. Jesus said, “All POWER is given to me in both heaven and earth” (Matthew 28:18).

If a person doesn’t know Jesus Christ as Lord, he doesn’t know what power is—Jesus is ultimate POWER!

God has given us a tool to tap into and use the mighty power found in Jesus Christ. The tool is PRAYER! The power available in prayer is awesome. Yet few have found the path of power available through prayer.

Use that power every day!