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Prayer Changes Things

Do you want to be a blessing to those around you?

Do you want to see souls saved, people delivered, healed, and set free?Do you want to know God intimately?

Do you want to have influence with the Almighty God?

Do you want your life to count for something great in the plan and purpose of God?

The Living God wants you to know beyond a shadow of a doubt that He wills for you to obtain all the above. The means by which God has ordained for you to obtain the above desires is PRAYER.

  • PRAYER that moves the hand of God!

  • PRAYER that gives God the legal right to move on planet earth.

  • PRAYER that gives God faith substance to work with.

  • PRAYER that materializes the wonderful blessings of God.

  • PRAYER that dispatches angels to come to our aid and assistance.

  • PRAYER that binds and restricts the assignment of demons.

I’m talking about effective prayer. Prayers that come from a sincere heart and are based upon the Word of God.

You can be sure that when you pray the Word of God you are praying the will of God. So get filled with God’s Word and start asking big of our big God.

Receiving comes from asking, and asking in FAITH!