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Don't Take God For Granted

In order to pray effectively, we must come to the place of being familiar and comfortable with God. At the same time, we must hold Him in reverence, awe, respect, and high esteem. Although He is our Abba Father (Daddy), He is still the God of this universe, possessing total power and intelligence.

Korah was a powerful leader in the Old Testament. He was a close associate of Moses. He saw Moses at his best and worst. One day Korah told 250 other great leaders, “Hey, this Moses is just like us. In fact, in many ways, we are more capable than he is. We see him every day. We know his shortcomings. We should have his position. Who does this Moses think he is telling us what to do? We’re just as smart, and anointed as he is.”

Man has a tendency of losing respect for people and things that become common. Korah allowed his familiarity with Moses to cloud his respect for the office that Moses stood in. While Korah and the other 250 famous were probably good leaders, the fact remained, God chose Moses to lead the people. Korah’s disrespect and rebellion against Moses forced God to open the ground and swallow Korah and his family alive (Numbers 16).

Don’t be like some backsliders and take God for granted. They lightly say, “Well, God is always there if I ever need Him. I can come back to God when I’m ready, etc.”

Become familiar with God, but never lose your desire and respect for Him!