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Free From Captivity

We are told to “guard your heart above all else; for it determines the course of your life” (Proverbs 4:23).

Which is more important? Bringing forth God’s manifestations on this earth or imprisoning the person that did you wrong through unforgiveness.

You must understand that if you won’t forgive the person you are mad at, they are only imprisoned in your mind and your thought life, and they may feel no affect at all. Realize that you not forgiving doesn’t hurt them, it hurts you.

You may be asking, “Pastor Glen, why is it so hard to forgive?” Because, forgiveness is an ingredient of prayer necessary to get results, and the devil doesn’t like you getting results.

Satan knows that unforgiveness hurts you, and he replays the problem to keep you ineffective and miserable. Unforgiveness and strife are two of Satan’s primary ways of stopping prayer.

“A person involved in strife is really in the snare of the devil, and taken captive by Satan at his will” (2 Timothy 2:26, paraphrased).

Free yourself from captivity, and forgive!