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God Grants Desires

The desire of the righteous shall be granted” (Proverbs 10:24).

Wow! What an amazing promise from God.

Desire carries with it a feeling that:

  1. I won’t be happy until I obtain this desire.

  2. I will be cheated in life if I have to do without the fulfillment of this desire.

  3. I can’t live without this thing.

A person with desire subconsciously and on purpose does little things (action) that help to materialize the desire. This is why desire is so important in prayer. Not only will you fervently pray about what you desire, you will give corresponding action that God will use to bring that desire to pass.

“The sea hath bounds, but deep desire hath none.” —Shakespeare

Since God has promised to grant your desire, start building big amazing desires!

Don’t keep settling for second-best. Build a desire for more and find the scriptures that promise you the more.