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Use the Devil's Memory to Defeat Him

“So shall you reign over all that your soul desires” (2 Samuel 3:21).

If you’re like most of us, Satan has probably used his excellent memory against you. He remembers when you failed God and tries to beat you over the head with the memory of it. The solution is to use the devil’s excellent memory against him.

The devil remembers the day that Jesus died for your sins. He remembers the day that Jesus stripped him of his authority. He remembers the day Jesus rose from the dead. He remembers that the Blood of Jesus defeated him 2,000 years ago. He remembers the day that you were made “the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus” (2 Corinthians 5:21).

When the devil reminds you of your past, remind the devil of his past, when Jesus conquered him. The devil will shut up fast. Use the devil’s memory against him!

People come in the prayer line and say, “Pray for me, Pastor. I think I have committed the unpardonable sin.” That is the devil’s lie for sure. Just the fact that you want to be forgiven, shows that you have not committed the unpardonable sin.

No matter what you have done in the past, the blood of Jesus and the grace of God is greater!