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God's Miraculous Word

“Though your beginning is small, your latter end shall greatly increase" (Job 8:7).

This verse tells us God wants the rest of your life to be the best of your life. So take courage and learn the principles you must master to overcome the obstacles in front of you and receive the things you desire.

Last week we looked at Mark 4, where Jesus compared the Word of God to a seed. A seed is something you plant and later receive its harvest. The Word of God is the seed you plant inside of you, and later receive a harvest also.

In context, Jesus was talking about a seed but gave us the right to substitute the words “The Word of God” for the word “seed.”

It looks like this: “The Word of God, when it is sown, grows up, and becomes greater than ___________________ .” You fill in the blank.

God’s Word can grow inside of you to become greater than sickness, disease, grief, sorrow, depression, failure, pain, sin, loss, a poor self-image, and so forth. The Word of God, when it is sown, grows up and becomes greater than a that's never going to happen for me mentality, a sense of unworthiness, a sense of being undeserving or disqualified from blessings, and a poor self-image.

So, use the Word of God as you would a seed, plant it into your heart and consciousness, and keep watering it until it grows up and conquers your obstacles and problems and gives you what you desire.

God does want the rest of your life to be the best of your life and is willing to help you as you do your part, and trust Him.