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Increase Is Coming

“Though your beginning is small, your latter end will greatly increase” (Job 8:7).

If you want to depart from that small, pitiful, painful, and depressing place you may have found yourself in, there are a few things you must first do.

To arrive in a “blessed place,” you must rid yourself of your “grasshopper mentality” and renew your mind to who you are to God and how much He loves you. You must then never retreat from thinking of yourself as being in perfect right standing with God.

Note: A grasshopper mentality means you consider yourself unworthy, undeserving, and disqualified from God’s love and blessings.

The spies that went into the promised land reported to Moses and the children of Israel, “We are grasshoppers compared to the giants.”

Fear always exaggerates your problems! Commit that statement to memory because everyone gets attacked with fear. Unfortunately, not everyone overcomes it. Fear always magnifies the problem! That means fear may be exaggerating your problems. Maybe things aren’t as bad as you think they are. What one person perceives as a problem, another might perceive as an opportunity. It all depends on how we look at it.

Because God loves you so much, He wants to help you turn your stumbling blocks into stepping stones that will help you climb to something better.

You are about to open a new chapter in your life. A better chapter!