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Becoming More In-Christ

We have been looking at the children of Israel’s failure to enter the Promised Land. It wasn’t the walled cities, the Hittites, Canaanites, Jebusites, or even the giants that kept them out of the Promised Land. It was fear and their own poor self-image that kept them out. (Don’t let that happen to you.)

Understand this, there is always going to be an “ite” or a “giant” standing between you and what you desire. It could be a fear-ite, an inconvenience-ite, the thought I can’t do or have it-ite, or a poor self-image-ite. Don’t let a poor self-image keep you from entering into a life of tremendous happiness, prosperity, and blessings.

Think On These Things:

  1. The way you view yourself determines your ability to receive from God and life and determines how long it will be before you come back from a setback.

  2. True humility is submitting to, and ordering your life in-line with God’s Word, not belittling yourself or thinking less of yourself.

  3. Begin to see yourself in the light of who the New Testament says you are in Jesus.

  4. It wasn’t the giants, but rather the Children of Israel’s poor self-image and fear that kept them from the Promised Land.

  5. Fear always exaggerates the problem. Faith will drive out fear.

As you work on improving your self-image, blessings, and increase cannot help but come to you.