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Favor Brings Promotion

For the last couple of weeks, we've been looking at the advantage of having favor in your life from the story of Daniel.

In Daniel 2, King Nebuchadnezzar had a troubling dream and wanted it interpreted. None of the wizards, sorcerers, magicians, fortunetellers, or wise men who served as counselors and advisers in the King's court could interpret it.

Thinking that the wizards and sorcerers were phonies, the King ordered these special confidants be put to death for their inability to interpret his dream. Daniel and his three friends, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego, were "wise men" lumped into that group and were facing certain death.

God gave Daniel the interpretation of the dream, and the King spared the lives of all his special advisors. Daniel's connection to God and his favor with the King enabled Daniel to save the lives of the King's executive consultants. Your connection to God and the favor He gives you will enable you to benefit others in a powerful way on God's behalf.

The King then exalted Daniel for doing what none of the others could do. He lavished him with gifts and promoted him to governor over the entire province of Babylon. In addition, he made him chief of all the nobles and, over all the wise men (Daniel 2:46-49).

With God's favor in your life, promotion comes into your life!