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The Abundant and Favor-Filled Life

Jesus said He came so that “You might have life, and that you might have it more abundantly” (John 10:10).

The “life” Jesus refers to in the above verse is not the kind of life that plants and animals experience (the condition distinguishing organisms from inorganic objects). The life He’s talking about doesn’t just mean animation and liveliness. The life He’s talking about doesn’t simply mean a better lifestyle or manner of life. The life He’s referring to doesn’t just mean the time that goes by between when a person is born and when they physically die.

Jesus is referring to “the very life of God” living in and through you. A life that is so awesome and excellent that it cannot diminish in any way, and therefore it causes the possessor of this life to live forever.

Psalm 30:5, “In his favor is life.” In God’s favor is a new kind of life. The God kind of life! When you have God’s favor in your life, you experience the very life that God Himself enjoys- a life more abundantly, an unsurpassed one!

Luke 2:52, “And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man.”

The abundant life that Jesus came to give you is a life full of favor and blessings. The abundant and favor-filled life is being offered to you. Believe it and receive it.