God's Worth is Truth
It’s essential that you understand that God’s Word is God’s Will.
Never say, “It’s not the Lord’s will for me to be healed.” Sure, you’re discouraged. You don’t feel good. But nowhere in the Bible can we find a single instance where it was not the Father’s will to heal everyone.
As large as the crowds that followed Jesus were, they were never so large that Jesus told one person, “It’s not my Father’s will to heal you. You’ll have to go home and remain sick.” The Bible says Jesus healed them ALL.
Stick to the fact that God’s Word is God’s Will. His Will and Word clearly state, “I am the Lord that heals you” (Exodus 15:26).
Find the great Scripture verses that promise you what you need. That promise is the will of God for you! Use that promise to approach God in prayer and praise so your faith will grow to appropriate what God said.
Because you’re a truthful person, never say, “I’m suffering for the glory of God.” That’s not true. God is glorified in your healing, not your sickness. Many times in the Bible, after people were healed, they glorified God. None glorified God for being sick.
Don’t say, “Because I’m a truthful person, I will not say, ‘by His stripes, I am healed’” until I know I’m healed.
What is truth? Jesus said God’s Word is truth ( John 17:17). God commands you to “call those things that be not as though they are” in Romans 4:17. That means to call into existence what God said before you can see and feel it.
Be a truthful person by saying what God says.