Walking By Faith
After you pray, don’t say, “I don’t feel any different.” Jesus didn’t say, “According to your feeling,” but rather, “According to your faith, so be it done unto you” (Matthew 9:29).
Don’t say, “I know God is able.” Everybody knows God is able. God is able, which means you have no scripture you’re standing on.
God is not “able.” Cain killed Abel 6,000 years ago. God’s not able; He’s willing! You need to say, “I believe what God said. He said by the stripes laid on Jesus, I am healed.” Go by the Word of God, not by feelings.
Don’t allow yourself to be moved by circumstances. Move according to God’s Word. Don’t say, “My problem will probably kill me.” Instead, honor the greatest name ever spoken—the name of Jesus. Exercise the authority that’s in Jesus’ name. There is miracle-working power and ability in the name of Jesus.
In Acts 3:1-8, Peter and John went together into the temple and met a man lame from his mother’s womb, who never had walked. Peter said to the man, “In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk.” And He was healed.
The name of Jesus has a wonder-working power. Your job is to develop faith in that name. Use the name of Jesus in prayer. Use the name of Jesus in praise. Use the name of Jesus to rebuke and resist the devil. The mighty name of Jesus will put you over. The name of Jesus assures you that you have the Father’s ear.
God is fighting for you and making a way for you to win.